Stuff about me and my dogs, my hubs and from time to time a rant.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wish Me Fish

I finished the Never-ending Afghan. I finished and mailed bed socks for my son and bed socks for my granddaughter.

I am doing pretty well on my first habit change. I am trying to eat a fruit or veggie with each meal or snack. I am better at breakfast or lunch than I am at dinner. I got some broccoli and cheese to see if that helps.

This month I am adding fish. I am going to add two servings of fish to my diet each week.

I am almost to the end of my first pair of Tessere Socks. These are the ones in two different colors on one needle. And herein lies the tail. I wanted to learn to do two at a time socks, and due to my slow learning curve with some things, I decided that using two different colors of yarn would keep me from knitting them together. And it has. So I am almost to the toe and will have them off the needles today or tomorrow, and cast on the other pair. I love the pattern, it is easy to work.

So off I go into next month, with a sweater, a clapotis, and my socks.

Wish me fish!!!~!

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