Stuff about me and my dogs, my hubs and from time to time a rant.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On thing lost and people lost

We were given direction to Marietta, GA, really simple ones and we found the square, then we found the loop that goes around Marietta and spent the next couple of hours going around and around.
Since B and I are women, we stopped and got directions. No matter where we were we were told to go three lights and take a right. And our destination was right there....NOT.
We finally turned by accident and found the road we needed to be on, only to have Wyatt (the Dodge vehicle, see the link, Dodge, Shootout at that Corral, Wyatt Erp)start limping real bad on his front tire.
B went in to talk to the Nicest Man in the World at Midus, who had one of the fellows come out and test drive...this part was a little unsettling for me..sitting in the car knitting, strange man entered..I threated him with knitting needles, only to be told he was not after my body, just testing the car.
And the test showed a problem and we had to wait to get it fixed. Which includes chocolate and knitting.
And we were only about three miles from where we had been looking for the whole day.
But the Knit shop was closed for the night. So off we went the next day, and took that one wrong turn that sent us south insead of norht. Finally got turned around, and found the shop.
It is a lovely shop with a puppy to greet us and yarn fumes to make us happy. And we made our purchases and found our way home. 10 minutes...that is all it took.
And to the thing lost. I was given a charm. I put it in a safe place. Please let me know if you can tell me where that may be, as I do not remember.

So I have conclued, I am not a navigator, but I am a very good hider.

Monday, July 11, 2011

We made it

We are here and we are tan.
The road trip was different, we for no apparent reason had to take two hours to get from Jellico, Tennessee to 15 miles down the road. But I am knitting so all is well. B drove the whole way and things did not get exciting till we got into South Carolina.
There you can buy Aritlley we tried to figure out how many of those we needed. PEACHes, that seems to me to be pronounced Peach es.
That is what the sign said.
The we found out where to by not only a box of rocks, but a truckload.
And all of these can be kept in the Top Gun Storage and Bait shop.
The lake is wonderful, the weather is HOT, the company fantastic. The adventurers are napping, knitting and swimming. Wish you were here!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The New and Improved Adventures of B and D

We are off on a trip to see my children. B is coming to meet my children. I figure if they liked J..who I married, then she will make the list in pen, as my friend.
We have packed enough yarn to open a shop, planned several large projects, like we are going to be gone a month, not a week. We have a KAL from our LYS..looks like a ball to make. Socks, and wraps. She may be bringing sweaters.
And today we are off to the wilds of the south. We will go through Tennessee, North and South Carolina and finally get to Georgia.
I am not sure she knows that me giving directions could end us up in Alaska. Oh well, more knitting time.
Excited, well yes!!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Startitis and life

I suffer from startitis, sometimes I buy needles to put one more thing on my needles..don't look at me like that, I can not be the only one.
So I have socks. Many pairs of socks. I am learning to do toe up so had to put several pairs on the needles. I have Fishbone Gansey, which I am loving, on the needles in Pagewood Farms Denali.
And a Sweater, or two. Green Gables and a project to be named later.
A shawl in some put over my sholders when I am cold. It may be a blankie for when I am overwelmed. Don't tell anyone.
And a mystery knit a long shawl with Junko from Knitwits.
But I am on vacation next week and for some reason I am thinking that this will be a week that is like a month long.
And here is where the life part comes in. I think we all make plans and life jumps in to make you change your plans. And all the stuff we have on our needles does not fall off as quickly as we think it might.
Since the knitting police does not seem to care if I finish or not, I am pretty sure I will be the one up a 5 on Christmas Eve, one sock in hand, one of the needle, crying and eating leftover Santa Cookies.

Friday, July 1, 2011