Stuff about me and my dogs, my hubs and from time to time a rant.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Snow and Pizza

We have snow and last night we had pizza. So the I am going to eat more fruits and veggies went the out window. But today it is back. I am starting my day with tangerines and coffee.
And the snow, well it is cold and pretty and makes me want to knit more. I made booties to go with my 5 hour sweater. And worked on my sock.
Today after work I am working on genealogy. Last lesson.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back at it Monday

Work, back at it today. Waithe g for the men to send me stuff to do.
Meanwhile I am to toe on Monkey Socks and hope that I can finish them tomorrow. Tonight is sock club and I am working on Kai-Mei. Got to run, work calls.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3rd

I went yesterday and joined sock club at my lys. I may get to be more interesting now that I get out of the house and talk to people. I started the Kai-Mei socks in the Cookie A book, Sock Innovations. And I finished a 5 hour baby sweater.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Brand New Year

I slept late. I never sleep late. So this is 2010. And I am sitting reading Blogs...and drinking coffee. Watching Law and Order on Netflix..and knitting.
I cast on a 5 hour baby sweater for my  newest ggd. It is a soft rose. Loops and Threads Impeccable. I have never used this yarn before so this is a kinda test run. It is a soft acrylic and knits up real well. So far it is beyond my expectations on a new yarn.
The Magic Man went to the store and got a turkey breast and a mess of green beans and red potatoes. The turkey will go in the rotisserie, and the green beens and potatoes in the crock pot. We will have black eyed peas, cause I am from Georgia and that is what you do on New Years Day.
I hope you each and every one has a wonderful day.