I was reading Crazy Aunt Purl and added this to the comments section...and thought I would share it here also.
My list for this year is simple.
Be healther. Eat more fruit and veggies. Eat less whatever is in the drive thru.
Play with my dogs more. They are so fun to play with.
Quit beating me up for things I can't change. Past is gone and try as I might I can't fix and/or change past.
Smile as much and as often as I can.
And dance!
Stuff about me and my dogs, my hubs and from time to time a rant.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Once again
Once again I am starting my knitting for next year. But this year I am doing it a bit different. For each thing I knit or crochet I am making the same thing and putting it away for my All Craft 4 Charity group.
Last year I would make something for Charity and then get involved in personal knitting or crocheting. But this year I am just planning better.
First I am going to make some dishcloths and for each one of those I am going to make a 7" square and put it away.
Then socks, make a pair for family, make a pair for Charity. See the theme here.
And my Christmas list is short. I have had to just make things for my family. I just don't have the time to do for a lot of people. There are bloggers out here on the web that turn out beautiful items and seem to make them up in one day. I knit slow, for pleasure. I crochet slow and only can make a few things with crochet. I am hoping to improve my skills this year.
One thing I have learned on the internet is that if you want to learn how to do somthing, well there are instuctions out here. I "Google". I love Google and will spend way too much time looking at what comes up.
Pages and pages of how to knit socks. There are patterns and people showing on video how to knit socks. I am just fasinated by the whole concept. And there are groups to join that have the same interest as I do. All this in my pj's. How cool is that?
But now I have to go:
And there are only 364 crafting days till Christmas.
Last year I would make something for Charity and then get involved in personal knitting or crocheting. But this year I am just planning better.
First I am going to make some dishcloths and for each one of those I am going to make a 7" square and put it away.
Then socks, make a pair for family, make a pair for Charity. See the theme here.
And my Christmas list is short. I have had to just make things for my family. I just don't have the time to do for a lot of people. There are bloggers out here on the web that turn out beautiful items and seem to make them up in one day. I knit slow, for pleasure. I crochet slow and only can make a few things with crochet. I am hoping to improve my skills this year.
One thing I have learned on the internet is that if you want to learn how to do somthing, well there are instuctions out here. I "Google". I love Google and will spend way too much time looking at what comes up.
Pages and pages of how to knit socks. There are patterns and people showing on video how to knit socks. I am just fasinated by the whole concept. And there are groups to join that have the same interest as I do. All this in my pj's. How cool is that?
But now I have to go:
And there are only 364 crafting days till Christmas.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Why is it that no matter that I own a trillion yarn needles, there is not one in this house on Christmas Day. Really?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Silent Night
It is a quiet night for grandmothers who have grandchildren miles away. Who's children are just a little old for all the fuss. But it is a great night for hot chocolate, knitting needles and the picture albums.
I wish you all a Happy Holdiays. And a safe one.
I wish you all a New Year with all you need and some of the things you want.
I wish you all a Happy Holdiays. And a safe one.
I wish you all a New Year with all you need and some of the things you want.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Done and Done

Well I am done, with two granny square blankets. The Brown and Pink one is for My Granson's Girlfriends daughter, The Pink and Brown is for my ggd, Edy.
Won't be any more of these in my future. I am off to knit socks.
Right now I am at my daughter's and having the best time ever. She got a Pretty Thing Cowl, that I finished on the bus. And a pair of socks, that she loves...poor girl, now she will have to get a bigger sock drawer.
Today I see my gd. Can't wait!!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Face of the Earth: Not fallen off of
Yes I am still here, I have a deadline for finishing a granny square blanket, and I just crochet slow.
I am not half done and I need the squares done by Thanksgiving.
I am ADD and get distracted by new yarn, new patterns, and new books.
I just got Cookie A's new book and had to pack it away as not to start a dozen new sock.
That is my vacation book. And I have vacation yarn.
So I am on the face of the earth, crochet hook in hand...up against the wall.
I am not half done and I need the squares done by Thanksgiving.
I am ADD and get distracted by new yarn, new patterns, and new books.
I just got Cookie A's new book and had to pack it away as not to start a dozen new sock.
That is my vacation book. And I have vacation yarn.
So I am on the face of the earth, crochet hook in hand...up against the wall.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
To lots of people Halloween means lots of things. To children it is candy and dressing in costume. To teenagers it is Hell Night before Halloween and seeing if you can still go trick or treating, while your mom says you are too old.
It is parties where we can put on someone else for a while.
But to me it is sad.
My father got hurt on Halloween Night in 1957, and died 5 days later of his injuries. He was driving too fast and missed a curve, but not the oak tree.
So to you children, have fun, eat too much candy and make some happy memories.
To you who drive, make some happy memories also.
So it won't be your child writing this so many years later.
It is parties where we can put on someone else for a while.
But to me it is sad.
My father got hurt on Halloween Night in 1957, and died 5 days later of his injuries. He was driving too fast and missed a curve, but not the oak tree.
So to you children, have fun, eat too much candy and make some happy memories.
To you who drive, make some happy memories also.
So it won't be your child writing this so many years later.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Cold Already

Here in Kentucky we went from Summer to Winter when I was not looking. The good news is that it is knitting weather. And I am ready to knit.
I got that Pretty Thing pattern from The Yarn Harlot and have one about half done. And it is a Pretty Thing.
It is charted and I have never done any charted pattern before. So I made a copy and notes. And I am taking my time. It is not very big, but I am having a blast. It is nice to have fun when I knit. I really think this will be one of my very favorite things to do.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Pick up sticks
Do you ever notice that if you have a bad back everything falls out of your hands and lands on the floor? Where you have to go pick it up. I think it is bad Karma that does this to me. I was brought up to be nice and polite but find myself being grumpy. Not letting a car out when I can, not letting someone go in a door before me. And I am pretty sure the back/floor thing is Karma letting me know.
I am working on socks, lots of pairs of socks. I took pictures and will add some today.
The self striping yarn socks had to be frogged or I had to find a new friend with size 75 feet.
I tend to forget that gauge means something even in socks. I know there is a lesson there. And I will ponder it, and let you know what happens.
I am working on socks, lots of pairs of socks. I took pictures and will add some today.
The self striping yarn socks had to be frogged or I had to find a new friend with size 75 feet.
I tend to forget that gauge means something even in socks. I know there is a lesson there. And I will ponder it, and let you know what happens.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I have a simple mind. I tell you that to tell you this.
I got self stripping yarn. How entertaining does that sound? Well, I stayed up way past my bedtime. cause I had to knit one more row to see what would happen next.
How simple am I?
I got self stripping yarn. How entertaining does that sound? Well, I stayed up way past my bedtime. cause I had to knit one more row to see what would happen next.
How simple am I?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Another on bites the dust
Finished another pair of sock, on a roll. Now to finish Edy's Blanket and start on Amber's Blanket
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Downhill Run
I am on the downhill side of the square making for Edy's blanket. Less than 20 squares to crochet and about 35 to sew on to the blanket. Then then edgeing and adding the rest of the flowers.
I can see the end of this in September.
Then need to finish socks for Christmas and start squares for my doggie project.
I am also knitting my new grand dog a sweater. He is a Yorkie and is too cute.
I can see the end of this in September.
Then need to finish socks for Christmas and start squares for my doggie project.
I am also knitting my new grand dog a sweater. He is a Yorkie and is too cute.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Okay Done
Okay up there laughing at me...stop. I am tired of feeling bad, and now will start to feel good.
I have put up with tangles of yarn, a sick husband (oh my we are both sick, but only one of us can do more than lay on the couch and complain), and Karma getting back at me for that thing I did in the 6th grade.
And I am done.
As of today I am going to feel good. Husband can either feel better or I will be happy to take him to the doctor.
I have untangled the yarn, mostly using the sissor method, and have the heel turned on the first sock. And Okay I am sorry, whatever your name was for stealing your thunder in the 6th grade by also learning and reciting " Casey at the Bat". It was not a lady like thing to have done to you. And you were just a boy, I on the other hand was a southern girl, raised by my mother the race car driver, who would no let me get away with outdone by a boy.
She taught me lots of things in this world. Which fork to eat with when there are lots of them at your plate, how to stand up straight, how to speak to be heard, how to say thank you and yes mam. She also taught me one thing she did not know she was teaching. She taught me I could do anything I wanted to do anytime I wanted to do it.
My mama. Her name is Ethel Flock Mobley..google her. If you see a little kid with her, that would be me.
And today I remembered who's daughter I am.
I have put up with tangles of yarn, a sick husband (oh my we are both sick, but only one of us can do more than lay on the couch and complain), and Karma getting back at me for that thing I did in the 6th grade.
And I am done.
As of today I am going to feel good. Husband can either feel better or I will be happy to take him to the doctor.
I have untangled the yarn, mostly using the sissor method, and have the heel turned on the first sock. And Okay I am sorry, whatever your name was for stealing your thunder in the 6th grade by also learning and reciting " Casey at the Bat". It was not a lady like thing to have done to you. And you were just a boy, I on the other hand was a southern girl, raised by my mother the race car driver, who would no let me get away with outdone by a boy.
She taught me lots of things in this world. Which fork to eat with when there are lots of them at your plate, how to stand up straight, how to speak to be heard, how to say thank you and yes mam. She also taught me one thing she did not know she was teaching. She taught me I could do anything I wanted to do anytime I wanted to do it.
My mama. Her name is Ethel Flock Mobley..google her. If you see a little kid with her, that would be me.
And today I remembered who's daughter I am.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Ever notice that you are going through life and everything is great and then the lesser gods start messing with you...well I am being messed with.
Something is going around our little town that makes us all feel puny. Just blah.
Knots in my sock yarn. I have this beautiful skein of sock yarn that appears to have several million knots in it. I am unknotting it and looking at this as a karma thing, like
Earl did. I have knotted something in my life, and this yarn is the symbol for it. So I am sitting quietly, not screaming or turning the air blue with words that would make a sailor blush, and unknotting this yarn. But because I am not perfect, I still put it in time out when I am done with it, and in time out it will stay until it is again the beautiful ball of sock yarn that it is supposed to be.
Then I made a center pull skein of yarn, but somehow wrapped the center pull string inside, so I have to redo that.
Karma hit at work also, so I am spending half my time undoing things that should not have been done in the first place. But I am so grateful to have a job in these bad times that I am not even looking at this as a lesson.
So today will be better, Karma only stays with you till you go "Ah Ha". And I am there.
And I also got my Christmas, Birthday, Mother's Day, Arbor Day, Anniversary and whatever other day I would get a gift on. I got Little Red. Little Red is a mini computer and she is Sweet!
And me being geeky and loving it...I just think Little Red is wonderful. Happy Holidays to me!
Something is going around our little town that makes us all feel puny. Just blah.
Knots in my sock yarn. I have this beautiful skein of sock yarn that appears to have several million knots in it. I am unknotting it and looking at this as a karma thing, like
Earl did. I have knotted something in my life, and this yarn is the symbol for it. So I am sitting quietly, not screaming or turning the air blue with words that would make a sailor blush, and unknotting this yarn. But because I am not perfect, I still put it in time out when I am done with it, and in time out it will stay until it is again the beautiful ball of sock yarn that it is supposed to be.
Then I made a center pull skein of yarn, but somehow wrapped the center pull string inside, so I have to redo that.
Karma hit at work also, so I am spending half my time undoing things that should not have been done in the first place. But I am so grateful to have a job in these bad times that I am not even looking at this as a lesson.
So today will be better, Karma only stays with you till you go "Ah Ha". And I am there.
And I also got my Christmas, Birthday, Mother's Day, Arbor Day, Anniversary and whatever other day I would get a gift on. I got Little Red. Little Red is a mini computer and she is Sweet!
And me being geeky and loving it...I just think Little Red is wonderful. Happy Holidays to me!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Knots and rain
Into a life a little rain must fall..and all that.
I have knots in my yarn that I am making the Cookie A socks with. Cursed, I am.
Okay I am wet and standing in it up to my ample knees....let me please get on with these socks, or they are going to have to go sit in a corner and think about how they have treated me so far.
So there, yarn, think about it. I can swear if needed, but would like not to as it is unlady like. Also unlady like is throwing yarn, stamping on yarn and flushing yarn ( which my husband the person who handles the toilet when it not working) says I can not do, well I can but it will cost money if I do.
I have knots in my yarn that I am making the Cookie A socks with. Cursed, I am.
Okay I am wet and standing in it up to my ample knees....let me please get on with these socks, or they are going to have to go sit in a corner and think about how they have treated me so far.
So there, yarn, think about it. I can swear if needed, but would like not to as it is unlady like. Also unlady like is throwing yarn, stamping on yarn and flushing yarn ( which my husband the person who handles the toilet when it not working) says I can not do, well I can but it will cost money if I do.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
And more socks
Okay I need an intervention.
I have now cast on yet another pair of socks. Please stop me!
I have also learned to use a nostepinne. And before you all go and think that is something a pervert might use. It is a stick on which you wind yarn into balls. Then they are ready to make socks..okay see.
If I am not knitting on a sock, casting on a sock, reading about socks or watching people of utube make socs, then I am finding sticks that I can wrap yarn on.
There has to be a 12 step program...hum, 12 steps...that is 24 feet and feet need socks. Right.
Anyway I hope you all have a great Labor Day.
I have now cast on yet another pair of socks. Please stop me!
I have also learned to use a nostepinne. And before you all go and think that is something a pervert might use. It is a stick on which you wind yarn into balls. Then they are ready to make socks..okay see.
If I am not knitting on a sock, casting on a sock, reading about socks or watching people of utube make socs, then I am finding sticks that I can wrap yarn on.
There has to be a 12 step program...hum, 12 steps...that is 24 feet and feet need socks. Right.
Anyway I hope you all have a great Labor Day.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sleep is an important part of life and I hate it when I can't. But I am making the best of a bad situation.
The Cookie A socks...once I got over the fact I can't count...I love this pattern. I think Cookie A ROCKS SOCKS....
I have also cast on three pair of The Harlot's plain vanilla socks. These can go anywhere with me. I love portable projects.
Edy's blanket is growing. I am saving some of the white squares for other people to add flowers to so it will be a real keepsake for her. I see in my mind her at 35 with a baby of her own, and explaining that the ratty pink blanket was made by her great grandmother, who has just run off with a James Gardner look alike and is living in sin in some exciting place.
Okay, so I won't be here when she is 35, but she will still have the pink blanket. And the story I am going to write to go with it. The one that tells her why I spent a gazillion hours and how much love went into that blanket for her.
So maybe sleep is overrated???
The Cookie A socks...once I got over the fact I can't count...I love this pattern. I think Cookie A ROCKS SOCKS....
I have also cast on three pair of The Harlot's plain vanilla socks. These can go anywhere with me. I love portable projects.
Edy's blanket is growing. I am saving some of the white squares for other people to add flowers to so it will be a real keepsake for her. I see in my mind her at 35 with a baby of her own, and explaining that the ratty pink blanket was made by her great grandmother, who has just run off with a James Gardner look alike and is living in sin in some exciting place.
Okay, so I won't be here when she is 35, but she will still have the pink blanket. And the story I am going to write to go with it. The one that tells her why I spent a gazillion hours and how much love went into that blanket for her.
So maybe sleep is overrated???
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Best Day
Yesterday was a great day. I got out and wandered around. I just window shopped and then went to the library and got some great books. I love books on tape. I can read and knit at the same time...multitasking made easy!
And today I am going to make a dent in Edy's Blanket....pictures to come!!!
And today I am going to make a dent in Edy's Blanket....pictures to come!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Christmas Socks
It is Friday and I am done with the Christmas Socks that I really did not mean to knit as Christmas Socks.
They are red with white heal and toes. And they are pretty. And I cast on another pair, just white this time.
I need to find a pattern to do men's socks, that is my next thing to do. I need to make a couple of pair before I go home.
But not red and white. Maybe in another life I was an Elf at the north pole. That could be the reason I love Christmas and that I am a bit over 5 foot tall....yep that could be it.
They are red with white heal and toes. And they are pretty. And I cast on another pair, just white this time.
I need to find a pattern to do men's socks, that is my next thing to do. I need to make a couple of pair before I go home.
But not red and white. Maybe in another life I was an Elf at the north pole. That could be the reason I love Christmas and that I am a bit over 5 foot tall....yep that could be it.
Saturday, August 22, 2009

I love weekends, time for me to do things I love. Read, Knit, Crochet and play with my dogs.
And my ADD knitting has me casting on yet one more thing this past week. I am going to make my daughter a present out of some of that Alpaca Yarn I found on sale. So at this point I am crocheting a blanket for my great granddaughter...knitting Cookie A's Monkey socks (which are now ribbed back for the umpteenth time, due to the fact that I decided to make them on size 3 needles and they were big enough for an elephant, which at this point no one in my family owns, so back they went and recast on for the umptenth time and am at the start of the k2,p2 ribbing when my tears got in my way and I went back to the plain red socks with the white heal and toe that look like I am making Santa's Elves socks for Christmas).
I have put a new Weight Watchers recipe in the crocpot, and have a whole day to do a little housework, so I don't get condemed by the city, and do my ADD knitting/crocheting. The picture is of Edy's Blanket. Edy is my great granddaughter..and she loves pink. So I am doing Pink!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Tomorrow is my birthday, I am 39....again. I have children, grandchildren and one and a half great grandchildren. I am from Georgia and my mother was from Alabama. She was 39 as long as I can remember and I am carrying on that proud Southern Tradition.
Today I am taking the day off from adulthood. I am watching kids movies, like Finding Nemo and Cars, Toy Story and Shark Tails, and maybe even Chicken Run.
I am not cooking, I am not a grown up today. I am praying for rain so I can go out barefoot and play in it. I am going to color, and I am going to take a nap after snack time.
Happy Pre Birthday to me.
I am also going to knit and crochet. Those things remind me of my childhood. I am making a mostly pink granny blanket for my grand daughter, Edy. Who loves pink, so it is mostly Pink.
I am also making a pair of Socks in a pattern called "Monkey by Cookie A". These gave me some problems to begin with because I seem to be too simple to count my cast on stitches, or to check to see if I had dropped any, or if I was counting rows on the pattern. But third time is a charm.
And If I have learned anything in my lifetime of knitting it was that sometimes the best stuff I knitted was the hardest to start. I am a bit scared of this pattern, but the Harlot tells me on her book,"Knitting Rules" that there is no yarn police, and she also tells either there or on her blog of ripping back this beautiful knit shawl several times...so I have learned to rip and restart.
While I will admit to throwing the yarn, pattern and needles across the room, where my dogs were thinking we were playing a really loud game of fetch...ever seen a shiz tzu with a double pointed needle in his mouth? And not doing this all in an evening, but marching off to the other room mumbling about the knitting gods who were rolling on their clouds laughing at me...but I did get it together and I am now on the first sock, the second repeat of the pattern. WOW.
Today I am taking the day off from adulthood. I am watching kids movies, like Finding Nemo and Cars, Toy Story and Shark Tails, and maybe even Chicken Run.
I am not cooking, I am not a grown up today. I am praying for rain so I can go out barefoot and play in it. I am going to color, and I am going to take a nap after snack time.
Happy Pre Birthday to me.
I am also going to knit and crochet. Those things remind me of my childhood. I am making a mostly pink granny blanket for my grand daughter, Edy. Who loves pink, so it is mostly Pink.
I am also making a pair of Socks in a pattern called "Monkey by Cookie A". These gave me some problems to begin with because I seem to be too simple to count my cast on stitches, or to check to see if I had dropped any, or if I was counting rows on the pattern. But third time is a charm.
And If I have learned anything in my lifetime of knitting it was that sometimes the best stuff I knitted was the hardest to start. I am a bit scared of this pattern, but the Harlot tells me on her book,"Knitting Rules" that there is no yarn police, and she also tells either there or on her blog of ripping back this beautiful knit shawl several times...so I have learned to rip and restart.
While I will admit to throwing the yarn, pattern and needles across the room, where my dogs were thinking we were playing a really loud game of fetch...ever seen a shiz tzu with a double pointed needle in his mouth? And not doing this all in an evening, but marching off to the other room mumbling about the knitting gods who were rolling on their clouds laughing at me...but I did get it together and I am now on the first sock, the second repeat of the pattern. WOW.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Yes I am...had a couple of health scares, and now am better. Trying to catch up on real life.
So I am back....
So I am back....
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Weekend challange
Seems that I can not tell 7" from 8". We are doing a weekend challenge at AC4C of knitted and crocheted squares. And I made all of mine 8"...industrious you ask, brain dead I answer.
I have an infected tooth, or more rightly gum, teeth are just a by product, and can't get into a dentist for a week. So I am doing everything I can to live with it, while working, and taking care of the puppies who let me live with them, and the man.
And I won't even get on the rant about him with a cold, on the couch for days, moanin like a banchee and swearing he is going to die and can I bring him something, while I get sick and he tells me to take an asprian...okay I am getting on that rant.
He is a good man, a sweet man and does the things I won't or can't do....he catches mice. I am terified of mice. He unstoppes the toilet, cleans up after sick puppies and brings me ice cream when I need it. But still a man.
So I am getting said man to make me a templet...7x7 to carry with me. Then maybe I won't be so brain dead.
I have an infected tooth, or more rightly gum, teeth are just a by product, and can't get into a dentist for a week. So I am doing everything I can to live with it, while working, and taking care of the puppies who let me live with them, and the man.
And I won't even get on the rant about him with a cold, on the couch for days, moanin like a banchee and swearing he is going to die and can I bring him something, while I get sick and he tells me to take an asprian...okay I am getting on that rant.
He is a good man, a sweet man and does the things I won't or can't do....he catches mice. I am terified of mice. He unstoppes the toilet, cleans up after sick puppies and brings me ice cream when I need it. But still a man.
So I am getting said man to make me a templet...7x7 to carry with me. Then maybe I won't be so brain dead.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My First Badge

The “MacGyver” Badge (Level One) Earned by using ponytail holders purchased for $.25 due to package being opened, as stich markers on size 17 needles. Worked great and would have made Macgyver proud.
The Crochet Dude
I have just found The Crochet Dude. He was on one of the two PBS craft shows I watch and this man is wonderful.
He speaks crochet in a way that is easy to understand. So I am now following him on facebook and twitter.
I admire his talent and it is great to find someone who speaks to my inner crocheter...knitting has always been my thing.
I crochet and the edges wander in and out at will. I have frogged more crochet than I would like to admit under oath. So I was looking for some basic directions and found that the internet is like going to the library in my pj's and I am pretty sure I am not allowed to do that.
So if you don't know him check him out.
He speaks crochet in a way that is easy to understand. So I am now following him on facebook and twitter.
I admire his talent and it is great to find someone who speaks to my inner crocheter...knitting has always been my thing.
I crochet and the edges wander in and out at will. I have frogged more crochet than I would like to admit under oath. So I was looking for some basic directions and found that the internet is like going to the library in my pj's and I am pretty sure I am not allowed to do that.
So if you don't know him check him out.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Life without snow
When you mix melted snow with the ground underneath, you get mud. And all my pups are now coming in with ruined feet. But it is nice to be able to go outside without slipping, or getting a shoe full of snow.
I don't have shoes high enough to go out in snow up to my knees.
And today was beautiful, sunny and a great day to be alive.
I don't have shoes high enough to go out in snow up to my knees.
And today was beautiful, sunny and a great day to be alive.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow
I love working from home. I got up this morning and it was snowing. We have about 6 inchs and are expecting more, after the sleet and ice.
Did I mention not having to go out in it? But I really love looking at snow. My dream home has a room with lots of windows overlooking the woods. It has a fireplace and I can watch the snow while toasting my toes.
My real house has a hole in it. No joke, we got this house as a fixer upper and it is. We have been here about 10 years and we have fixed and fixed and she can still find something else to break, fall off, flake, leak, or just plan need. She is amazing. I love my house.
What I love is the back yard. I love seeing my dogs running, or in the case of Gizmo the Wonder Rug, standing in the back yard.
Gizmo the Wonder Rug is a shih tzu, chocolet in color and a bit over weight, well because rugs do not run, or even walk fast.
His loving wife is Georgia the Poodle with an attitude. And she has a daughter with the silver tounged devil from down the street.
Her name is Dharma the Crazy Dog.
They have long list of things that need to be done daily for them, and some things that need to be done from time to time. So today my job is cleaning the snow off of their bottom parts when they come in from the snow.
For this I went to college....and had a 4.0 GPA.
Did I mention not having to go out in it? But I really love looking at snow. My dream home has a room with lots of windows overlooking the woods. It has a fireplace and I can watch the snow while toasting my toes.
My real house has a hole in it. No joke, we got this house as a fixer upper and it is. We have been here about 10 years and we have fixed and fixed and she can still find something else to break, fall off, flake, leak, or just plan need. She is amazing. I love my house.
What I love is the back yard. I love seeing my dogs running, or in the case of Gizmo the Wonder Rug, standing in the back yard.
Gizmo the Wonder Rug is a shih tzu, chocolet in color and a bit over weight, well because rugs do not run, or even walk fast.
His loving wife is Georgia the Poodle with an attitude. And she has a daughter with the silver tounged devil from down the street.
Her name is Dharma the Crazy Dog.
They have long list of things that need to be done daily for them, and some things that need to be done from time to time. So today my job is cleaning the snow off of their bottom parts when they come in from the snow.
For this I went to college....and had a 4.0 GPA.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Today will bring snow to Northern Kentucky, and one more day of work before the weekend and knitting or crocheting.
I am waiting on news from my granddaughter. There is a test they are doing to see what is wrong with her baby. She went for her ultrasound and they found problems and did an amino and there should be news today.
I am praying for her and hoping that the news is good, but knowing that it may not be.
I am working on baby items for AC4C and it is breaking my heart to have to be doing this. I wanted to get Jen's baby blanket finished this month, and have put that away. I will finish the baby hats and booties I promised and then will go back to making my squares for the no kill shelter.
I also have a scarf on my needles for my "favorite niece in the whole world" Jessica. I made her mother one and she liked it so it is only fair I make another. I have new pictures to post and will try to get them up this weekend.
I am going to start saving to get the "baby suprise jacket" pattern that Elizabeth Zimmerman created. I have seen several made up and I am going to get that as a reward when I lose my 5%.
I am close. This is about learning to eat healthy and making good choices. And I have a new love, it is called brocolli slaw. It is great with spray salad dressing. It is great wrapped in a pita with chicken and spray salad dressing. It is great wrapped in turkey with low fat mayo. I sing the praises of brocolli slaw.
I am waiting on news from my granddaughter. There is a test they are doing to see what is wrong with her baby. She went for her ultrasound and they found problems and did an amino and there should be news today.
I am praying for her and hoping that the news is good, but knowing that it may not be.
I am working on baby items for AC4C and it is breaking my heart to have to be doing this. I wanted to get Jen's baby blanket finished this month, and have put that away. I will finish the baby hats and booties I promised and then will go back to making my squares for the no kill shelter.
I also have a scarf on my needles for my "favorite niece in the whole world" Jessica. I made her mother one and she liked it so it is only fair I make another. I have new pictures to post and will try to get them up this weekend.
I am going to start saving to get the "baby suprise jacket" pattern that Elizabeth Zimmerman created. I have seen several made up and I am going to get that as a reward when I lose my 5%.
I am close. This is about learning to eat healthy and making good choices. And I have a new love, it is called brocolli slaw. It is great with spray salad dressing. It is great wrapped in a pita with chicken and spray salad dressing. It is great wrapped in turkey with low fat mayo. I sing the praises of brocolli slaw.
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